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Rachit is not only an excellent coach but a very empathetic person who will go out of his way to understand your nature and nurture in the best way he can. Personally, I was able to have a beautiful relationship with food in a very short period of time because he helped me recognise what I was overlooking for a while and as far as workout plans are concerned, he is very comforting and upfront at the same time. Always being there to resolve any question or query you might have, he makes you fall in love with training and educate you about the process making you self reliant, which is truly a sustainable approach :D


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I have recently enrolled with Rachit and frankly, the journey with him is an altogether new experience for me. Currently am working with him for muscle grwoth and his approach is unique. He absolutely notices each and every minute detail in my progress. He is always approachable and believe me you can discuss anything with this guy and be assure of getting a way/solution!No questions from me are unanswered and the knowledge he shares is immense. His coaching style has influenced a new perspective in my approach. Definitely look forward to a long journey with him.

Roshni Deshmukh

( Fitness Coach)
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My Name is Shalem Raj, working in an MNC as s/w engineer. I was much passionate in powerlifting, but had no idea about how to progress in nutrition and programming wise. I approached Rachit bir for the same and fixed an appointment, and he first learnt  what my requirement was and my eating habits, sleep patterns, my lifestyle, my family. etc and designed a customized diet plan and workout program and During the first 3 months, he used to chase me up for the work out videos for the reviews and the review used to be very detailed,I did unlearn so many mistakes which i used to do in my workouts and improved my technique, learnt a lot of stuff from him , he is very knowledgeable and have patience to answer each and every thing no matter if it makes sense or its nth time am asking. I wish my mentor and brother all the best!


(Software Engineer)
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I started working with Rachit right when the pandemic hit us, August’20. I was completely lost and clueless on where to start since I had lost all my muscles was thin af. Right after our first call, I realised that this guy understands my psyche and what I want to achieve. Great professional who :1. Responds on time within 24 hours. 2. Detailed explanation on what could be better, constructive feedback. I think that’s v important. 3. Also he is very easy to get along with. You don’t have to think twice before asking him about anything. I was frustrated at times during the entire one year and thank you Rachit for your patience. You handled everything with great professionalism. I worked with you from Aug’20 - Aug’21 and I learned and grew so much much because of you. Learnt how to push hard when required. Thanks for this. Definitely a great coach to work with ✌️

Ayush Mathur

(Software Engineer)
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Rachit is probably one of the most sincere coaches around. For him the overall health of the client , including and especially their mental also matters. I have experienced this first hand. He at times takes the role of a mentor, alongside being your coach, which is great, and makes the experience truly wholistic.Speaking strictly about his coaching Acumen, the plan he sends accross to his clients is extremely detailed, and has valuable resources attached within it. He customizes things as per his clients constraints to his best ability, and his flexible approach makes it a joy to work with him. I would highly recommend him to the reader of this paragraph.


( Fitness Coach)
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I am happy that  I sent a DM across after going through Rachit sir's posts on instagram since I was going through a lot of stress and had picked up a lot of bad habits even though I was part of the fitness industry. After I spent time with him talking discussing about my issues, I realised there is so much facade going on in the fitness industry especially in India. He made everything very simple for me to understand and follow. And he also gave me a plan that was on point, thorough and easily a fit with my daily routine. There weren't unnecessary supplements and ot didn't make my life harder than it already was ( had been on keto for almost 6 months before working with Rachit sir). All in all he is one of the top nutritionist and fitness coaches in this country, but he makes sure you are not forever dependent on him since he keeps on educating you and will encourage you to level up in life as well. Thank you sir! It's been a true honour working with you!

Jeevesh Nair

(Head Coach, Lions MMA Gym)
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It has been an amazing experience working with Rachit! His aim is to educate you with the information that’s required to achieve your goal! I understood the concepts of nutrition and accountability from him which helped me stay on track even when I was on a few vacations. My lifestyle habits changed and I understood how to integrate fitness with the lifestyle I had. His advices are great and simplistic to understand. He is very approachable and has a great work ethic which I appreciate. Every plan is customised to fit your lifestyle and fitness goals. I’ve transformed both physically and mentally and I totally recommend Rachit as a coach to anyone who’s looking forward for constant learning and best results.


(Masters - Hotel Management)
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I joined Birafitness after having an experience with a couple of personal trainers at the local gym and an online coach as well. When I first saw Rachit’s page on Instagram it seemed like there’s an ocean of knowledge that I was kept away from. I interacted with him and showed an interest of getting trained from him. He initiated everything by understanding me , my past experiences in fitness,future goals , even my psychology and this was something I was experiencing first time in my fitness journey . His plans have been on point and according to my needs and availability of resources . It’s been a long journey since then and I had learnt a lot from him and I plan on to continue the same. To be honest Rachit is the kind of person you need in your fitness journey from start till end and I can vouch for him at any given moment.


( Software Engineer)
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Well, I know Rachith bir since two years now, maybe more. I have been working with him more than a year now. It was always been a great experience. The way I think about food,exercise and injuries completely changed. He knew what exactly I wanted and what exactly I was going through. I had quit couple of time during our training journey but he you would understand the reasons and be the same coach whenever I come back. He was always there for any kind of questions. His approaches are very different and they are quite effective. I can say, He is a great mentor. Our goal was not get 6 packs or look huge af. We always wanted to maintain good relationship with weights and food. The only focus was get strong at gym and everything will fall in place and he is pro in guiding direction. I was on long break and hitting the gym after break was big pain to me. I was struggling to be consistent to the gym. Then I went to Rachith and everything changed!! I’m very happy to have him as my mentor. I would love to work with him and recommend everybody who wants to maintain good relationship with food and weights.Thank you for being there


( Software Engineer, Ireland)
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It was nothing short of a life altering experience. He is an excellent coach, but more than that he's an amazing friend. I'm so grateful for the kind of impact Rachit sir brought for me, he took my every little question with patience, taught me how to work with my emotions and opinions instead of against, he was their when I was excited and  happy about my training, working out or life , I could share my happiness with him and he was also there when I was anxious, terrified, discouraged or having a breakdown. He's taught me patience, empathy, self love, rationality through the time I was with him. It's amazing that a person can have that kind of impact when you're so far away physically. He encouraged me to seek help when needed mentally, he understood what I felt, because he wasn't a stranger to my colitis issues, it is super cool to have someone who's gone through the same thing. As a designer and a human I look up to him have that kind of understanding and  empathy that he shows. Also, I'm a design student and I'm pursuing Industrial Design


( Industrial Design, NID Assam)
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The last 3 months were amazing under the guidance & coaching from Rachit, Even after certified as NUTRITION & FITNESS Coach, I felt I know many things about fitness & nutrition, but for the 1st time in my life when I got enrolled under Rachit as my Coach. Then I started realising that still there are ocean size of knowledge & things which I still don't know, Every day I used to learn new things. In 3 months I lost my weight from 77 to 72Kgs. Which earlier I was not able to reduce. On the other hand Rachit got great interpersonal skills, He listens to my every issue, then understand the issues & situations & give a wise Coaching. Many times Rachit's answering to my queries were very impressive! I feel like my mentor & brother. When replying to queries, He is very fast & quick turnaround action! You ask him anything & Rachit knows the perfect answer. He is truly mind-blowing. Rachit never hesitate when it comes to sharing knowledge, correcting our lifestyle issues. Exercise forms. Due to my IT lifestyle I get only 1 hour for exercise but still in that situation, He trained me well & made me realised where I am wrong! My muscles condition really got better in these last 3 months!

Mahesh Bhuti

(Fitness Coach & Automobile Engineer)
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Joining Rachit’s training program has been an amazing journey since day 1. He not only ensured that I feel encouraged and comfortable to get started, but he also handled my intimidation towards leading a healthier lifestyle impeccably. My two biggest challenges, while getting started, were guilt for not eating right at times and health conditions like migraine and knee pain. Over time, he helped me get rid of the guilt factor which used to give me restless nights and anxiety every time I felt like I might fail my journey. His diet plan was swift to follow, didn’t leave me feeling hungry and within following it for a month, my migraine problem reduced from occurring 15-18 times a month to 2-3 times a month. Which is a massive upgrade to my healthier lifestyle as being a full time freelancer with migraine has been a crippling situation for me in the past. I also tend to feel pain on my right knee if I ever over-exert or sit for longer periods of time (road travels). I always felt like I needed to avoid putting that knee to work but Rachit guided me on how to face this challenge, gently introducing a workout that involves my right knee and over time I saw my knee pain almost vanishing with no trace whatsoever.He has also been very supportive through the dreadful times of Covid’s second wave, even when he himself was engulfed in the attack for a few weeks. His positive attitude and way of handling our minor details from a healthier path are worth applause. For anyone starting his/her healthier journey and feels intimidated by the idea of it, Rachit is the best coach to guide you through with comfort and so much ease that you will end up enjoying this journey more than carrying around anxiety over it. Look forward to continuing this powerful journey with Rachit as my coach for the years to come. Thank you for believing in me and my smallest of efforts.

Apurva Saxena

(Content Creator & Influencer)
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It has been a pleasure working with Birafit for the past 3 months. I got into the best that I have ever been and my relationship with food improved phenomenally. My exercise forms got so much better and the patience with which Rachit sir solved my minute queries  was tremendous. I have been looking forward to renew my plan and getting better physically, mentally and emotionally in Rachit Sir's guidance.


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I am grateful that I reached out to Rachit. He has not only helped me with my training goals but also made me understand more about different movements, sleeping patters, techniques, mental health and overall health. A true educator indeed. My form and strength has improved immensly in last 3 months. His cues and corrections made a ton of a difference. He added accountability to my training in some tough times. This whole program made me more aware not only about my body but also the psychological aspects behind it. Thanks

Tanya Tandon

(Fitness Coach & Software Engineer)