A Breakthrough in Fitness Coaching


Social Events

Being socially inactive for Long Periods can lead to Long Term Stress, Anxiety and Low Self Esteem

Manage Eating Out

Manage outings smartly without messing up your diet and Training. Fitness should increase the Quality of Life

Evolutionary Perspective

Fitness - Ability of an Individual to survive and reproduce in given environment

Adhere to the Diet and Plan

Planned Breaks can decrease the likelihood of deviating from the Dist and Binge Eating

Don't be a Monk

People who fit into the society are likely to be healthier and maintain proper human functioning

Healthy Life & Relationships

An aesthetic physique doesn't mean anything If your life outside the gym is messed up
Real life case - Do you sometimes feel that you spend most of the time in the gym or thinking about it and realize that you're socially awkward, retarded and have no friends?

Humans are Social Animals and they're born to live together, in a tribe! People who fit into society are healthier and maintain proper human functioning.

Fitness should not take away your social life. Instead, it should build it. Preventing yourself from going out can be damaging to your mental health and Relationships
Outcomes -
Manage to Stay in shape while eating out
Travel Management
Chill and enjoy your travel
Managing alcohol


Sleep Management

Quality Sleep is of utmost importance for Optimal Brain & Body Performance and Physique Goals

Professional Help

Sick Mind needs Professional Therapist's help just as Sick body does. Break the Stigma!

Understand Your Mind

Practice Mindfulnessbased Meditation to manage Psychological Stressors and get in tune with your Min

GYM as an Identity

Associating Gym and Physique as your Identity will only contribute to Long term Stress. Find other hobbies too.

Spot the Stressors

Work on removing the factors inducing stress like "Body Image" before taking othersteps


Manage Body and Mind's tiredness by taking planned/ unplanned Breaks and escapes. Prepare for the coming phases to improve Performance.
Real life case - Several Bodybuilders develop Mental Issues like Eating Disorders , Body Image Issues, Anxiety Disorders and Chronic Depression.  It’s because they make 'Going to Gym' and 'Big Muscles' as their Identities! If we ask them - “What do they do apart from Gym? What are your Hobbies apart from Gym?”, their answer mostly comes out to be “Nothing!”

This is totally fine for people who earn money via this. However, if we attach our identities to how big our muscles are, it can be disastrous. What if we’re forced to retire one day from Gym? What if you face any Injuries and have to hold back? It's of utmost importance to keep our minds in the Best Shape so that they can directly enhance our life in the Gym!
Outcomes -
Sleep Management
Body Image Issues
Spend time on Hobbies other than Gym
Manage Decision Fatigue
Mindful based Meditation
Organisational Skills
Increase Self Esteem Levels
Prioritizing Mental Health
Manage Eating Disorders


Nutrition & Training Plan

Adjustable Plans allow for more flexibility while getting the same results and preventing the urge to cheat in the plan.

Get Educated

Get enlightened while making adjustments to your own Plans. You're inevitably going to increase your Fitness Knowledge

Ego Adjustment

Nobody gives a crap about how much you lift or how less you eat. One hour of impressing someone is always destructive in long run.


Be a Free Man/Woman! Take your own decisions and govern your life after getting experienced at necessary skills.

Accommodate Life Stresses

Adjust the plansaccording to ongoing Life Stresses like Office Load, Travel, e.t.c. topromote Longevity.


Less Restriction improves sustainability and adherence to the plan. Remember, Consistency > Perfection!
Real life case - You had a bad day at the work, Stress levels were on peak, less sleep on the previous night and feel absolute shit! Still you do the grind in the gym and struggle throughout the workout!

Your chicken got spoiled and you weren't able to eat that meal! How to manage these situations? ADJUSTABLE component teaches just that!
Outcomes -
Awareness and Education on how to manage these situations
Be independent and Take Decisions Yourself
Ego Adjustment and Management
Consistency - Less restriction improves sustainability and adherence to a plan
Flexibility of Training and Eating
Education on Training in a new gym without compromising with progress


Continuous Progression

Constant incremental improvement provides Intrinsic motivation without messing up.

Enjoy the Process

Be aware that seeing results takes time. Instead trust & enjoy the process and welcome the learnings that come along.

Practical Decisions

The key is to only plan to do things which are achievable considering individual stresses, constraints and preferances.

Why Why Analysis

Instead of feeling guilty on messing up once, find out what went wrong and come up with action Items for the next occurence.

Goal Setting

Be tied to reality, not emotions. Set practical goals and processes. Optimal is not always realistic.

Know your Body

Get in tune with your body and observe how it behaves when exposed to certain stresses. Be prepared for the unplanned stressors.
Real life case - For say, we binged on some food and lost the sense of control on one night or failed to execute the last repetition on an exercise! What will we do? Crib about it and CRY? HELL NO! We sit back, relax and recall what happened. We can identity the trigger foods, come up with Action Items for the next time and get in tune with our body. All of this will prevent us from messing up again.

We're not Robots. We’re Humans filled with Emotions. That’s why, we have to think long term! Focusing on building one habit at a time is the wisest thing which we can do to change Lifestyle. The key is to only plan to do things we’ll actually be able to do.
Outcomes -
Practical & Realistic Goals
Decisions According to our own body
Practical Decisions
Trusting the Process
Recalling what and how something went wrong
Consistency > Perfection!
Noting down action items for next time
Identity the trigger foods!
Knowing our Own Body


Individualized Response

Understand that there's no "One size fits all Approach". Everyone will respond differently due to numerous variables

Critical Thinking

Following BluePrint based fitness is never an indicator of Intelligent minds. Learn the art to be skeptical about what you do!

Constructive Feedbacks

Start giving and taking feedbacks in a constructive manner. We all keep on learning everyday

Simplistic Thinking

Stop being a reductionist e.g. no particular food is good or bad

Let go of Biases

Minimize the effect of the underlying emotional and cognitive Biases

Correlation not always equals causation

Eg. Saturated Fat does not lead to Heart diseases
Real life case - We’ve often heard that Sugar makes us fat! However, It doesn't. Sugar can increase the calories that we eat. Another thing which we hear often is - “Keto diet is superior for fat loss!” This is a Classic BIAS too. The best diet is the diet which works for you, in long term.

Before taking advices, we have to always be super skeptical about their Training Experience, Natural / Enhanced(Steroid use) Status, Education Qualifications and the companies sponsoring them (this can lead to BIASED opinions). Sometimes, the athletes who have just NORMAL or AVERAGE physiques will be more Knowledgeable as they've seen the STRUGGLES and gotten more educated in the Process!
Outcomes -
Intelligent minds always think critically while taking decisions. Don't be a Robot.
Maintaining a distance with the people who have biases related to any particular diet or training protocol
Each and everyone is different. Their response to any single program will be different!
No program is good or bad! No food is good or bad!
Learn to argue and call our properly!
You open a window and sun was shining.  This doesn't mean that the sun was shining because you opened the window.