From what I see now in 2021, the fitness scene in India has evolved into two major segments - both extremists! One sells Two Rupee Pre Workouts, forces it's biases on people (like Keto, Low carbohydrate Diets & Veganism), designs Steroids cycle in a five minute Youtube video, and the other ones are 'The 12 inch Arm Keyboard Warriors' cum Bodybuilding Nerds. Although, they have crammed the physiological functions of our body but have also forgotten to hit the Gym. Both of these groups are utterly dangerous! My mission is to bring the perfect blend of both the above groups - Science & Application which is called the Evidence-based Coaching
A lot of coaches advocate themselves as Evidence-based but fail to understand the real meaning of it. Binge eating, Eating Disorders, Excessive & Obsessive behaviours are all linked to underlying Mental Health Disorders. With our beautifully crafted SMART PROTOCOL (which focuses on overall health & fitness of a person rather than just looks), My focus is to bring a overall health & fitness change in the human always. To build processes & systems and make you fall in love with those. Enjoy the journey and not just the Goals. And, I see the mission being completed. The chain has started to form. And It will happen, we all will succeed one day.